Download the Maxon App to install, use, or try all of our products.
Please note: Maxon App 2025.3.x is not compatible with non-unified RLM licenses.
For more information on Maxon App 2025.3.x please refer to the release notes.
By activating the trial version, you agree that Maxon and Maxon’s distributors may use your email address for marketing purposes to keep you up to date on the latest features of Maxon’s software products and services. You may revoke this agreement at any time.
Maxon App
Maxon products now require Maxon App for entitling and managing licenses. For the best experience, subscription customers are encouraged download the all-hosts Redshift installer via the Maxon App.
For those looking for other Redshift installers please use the buttons below. Please Note: The applications below may not work as expected without Maxon App installed.
For more information on the latest version of Redshift, please refer to the release notes.
For questions related to Redshift lite and full installer, please refer to the FAQ.
Red Giant
The Maxon App manages the installation, licensing, upgrading, and updating of your Maxon products. It verifies the license status for your purchased products and displays any trials you may have available. The Maxon App is fully compatible with MyMaxon Organizational Accounts, so users can tap into Teams Licenses and choose which license type to activate.
For more information on the latest version of Universe, please refer to the release notes.
For more information on the latest version of Universe, please refer to the release notes.
Red Giant User Guides
Learn more about all our tools. View our Red Giant User Guides.
Interested in reviewing our older installers? View Legacy Installers.
For more information on the latest version of ZBrush, please refer to the release notes.
Legacy Installer:
Cineware for Unreal
Cineware for Adobe Illustrator
To use Cineware Illustrator Plug-In, users must have Cinema 4D installed.