CHEAP TRICKS #17 | Dune the Best We Can – Holtzman Shield VFX Recreate the Protective Force Field Shield From Dune in new VFX Tutorial Using Red Giant Tools.
Recently we were teased with a trailer for a new Dune movie, only to have it snapped back by the sandwormy jaws of 2020. And while we’ll have to wait a little more time for the film, we wanted to show you how to create one of the effects from the trailer RIGHT NOW! So in this tutorial, Hashi will show you how to recreate some Holtzman Shield VFX seen in the Dune trailer, along with some other cool compositing tricks.
Once you’ve learned to create the Holtzman Shield effects using a template, we want to make it possible for you to create your own complex effects from scratch using expressions. So in a second tutorial, Hashi takes you on a deep dive into expression controls.
Afraid of expression? You must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Also, with Hashi’s help, you’ll go from novice to Mentat in 28 minutes flat.
Don’t forget to grab Hashi’s project files and templates HERE.