Evaluate your computer's hardware capabilities

Evaluate Your Hardware
Cinebench 2024 utilizes the power of Redshift, Cinema 4D's default rendering engine, to evaluate your computer's CPU and GPU capabilities. Cinebench 2024 is designed to accommodate a broad range of hardware configurations - while it seamlessly supports x86/64 architecture (Intel/AMD) on Windows and macOS, it also extends its reach to Apple Silicon on macOS and Arm64 CPUs on Windows, ensuring compatibility with the latest advancements in hardware technology. Additionally, Cinebench 2024 streamlines the benchmarking process by utilizing a consistent scene file for both CPU and GPU testing. Best of all: It's free!

Who Should Use Cinebench?
Anyone who needs to evaluate hardware performance should add Maxon Cinebench to their testing arsenal. Any computer owner can evaluate their individual system, IT administrators can use Cinebench to help make purchase decisions, journalists can use the results in reviewing hardware and manufacturers can utilize the feedback to optimize their latest products. Cinebench offers a real-world benchmark that incorporates a user's common tasks when using Cinema 4D and Redshift to measure a system's performance.

Products included in our Maxon One suite of creative tools are based on the same rendering technology that is used in Cinebench. When creating in Maxon One, you will benefit from the industry leading rendering performance you have known from Cinebench and utilize your hardware's capabilities to the fullest. Maxon One is our all-in-one solution that combines the power of all our industry-leading 3D animation, motion graphics, filmmaking, digital sculpting and rendering software like Cinema 4D, Forger, Red Giant, Redshift, and ZBrush in an integrated package.

Technical Information
Get all the technical information and supported systems for Cinebench.