New Improvements in This Release
This update is highly recommended for all R24 users.
- Improvements to the Scatter Pen
- GPU support was added in Windows to Magic Bullet Looks for the Viewport and Viewport Renderer
- Fixed an issue with copying and pasting selected keyframes between different objects within the Timeline
- Fixed an issue with maintaining an object's trajectory when using the Tween tool
- Fixed an undo issue with the Update command within the various Selection tags
- Fixed an issue with the Tween tool not creating all keyframes when applied after executing the Revert to Saved Project command
- Fixed an issue with a redundant warning that was displayed when opening a file while in the BP 3D - UV Edit layout
- Fixed a stability issue with BodyPaint 3D
- Fixed an issue with the Add Multi Channel Preset command not loading additional channels
- Fixed an issue in the node API where the function ListAllNodes could not compare the right values
- Fixed an issue with memory used by the Instance object
- Fixed an issue with the Thumbnail View of the Pose Library Browser where the individual thumbnail previews were displayed in black
- Fixed an issue with a variety of Scene Nodes that were available in the Material mode of the Node Editor
- Fixed an issue with saving file assets as a new version
- Fixed an issue with an incorrect Primitive Type when adding a Primitive Op Node from the Asset Browser to the Node Editor
- Fixed an issue with the Reveal in Browser command when the preview size within the Asset list is set to Grid View
- Fixed an issue with the XRef object in the Object Manager incorrectly showing the string of a referenced asset
- Fixed an issue with the string "Object" within the Category section of the Asset Browser
- Fixed an issue with the Instance object where the Swap with Reference function was available in Multi-Instance mode
- Fixed an issue with the appearance of already downloaded assets after using the Clear Downloaded command
- Fixed an issue with the multi-language support of the Scene database within the Create Smart Search dialog window
- Fixed an issue with redundant dotted lines within the Create Smart Search dialog window
- Fixed an issue with the asset preview in the Asset Browser when importing several 3D formats
- Fixed an issue with disabling the Bevel Deformer when assigned to a high-poly object
- Fixed an issue with imported Alembic files being interpreted with geometry glitches
- Fixed an issue with Camera Mapping when projecting the texture from an Alembic camera onto an object
- Fixed a performance issue with the FBX file format when closing an active project
- Fixed an issue with the selection of the material formats of the USD export options in the preferences
- Fixed an issue with not being able to remove the material tag from imported USD files
- Fixed an issue with the OBJ export where textures were not consolidated
- Fixed an issue with the IGES Curve object that caused an incorrect file structure when saved
- Fixed a stability issue with the XRef legacy object when adding a USD file as a reference scene
- Fixed a stability issue with the USD format when closing Cinema 4D
- Fixed an issue with the opacity of the Uber material when exporting to USD format
- Fixed a stability issue with the USD format when closing Cinema 4D
- Fixed an issue with the splash screen that always appeared when executing the Open Project command
- Fixed a compatibility issue with 3ds Max 2022
- Fixed a compatibility issue with Maya 2022
- Fixed an issue with the dynamics of the Hair object not being initialized correctly when loading the scene file
- Fixed an issue with the GeDialog::InitValues() not being called for dialogs that were docked, collapsed and part of a layout
- Fixed an issue with an enabled pick session that could no longer be disabled by pressing the corresponding arrow icon in the Attribute Manager
- Fixed an issue with not being able to make a selection when entering a pick session
- Fixed an issue with the user interface when selecting the Arabic language
- Fixed an issue with the PRS order within the Transform settings of several MoGraph objects
- Fixed an issue with the view panel where parts were cut off when resized in multiple Viewport display mode
- Fixed an issue with moving a HUD element when the Control-Click for Right-Click option was enabled in the preferences
- Fixed an issue with offset text within the bubble help of the Color Chooser
- Fixed an issue with the warning dialog when installing into an existing folder of an older version of Cinema 4D
- Fixed a performance issue with the Export Licensing Overview command
- Fixed an issue with the demo version not being accessible when the Lite license was activated
- Fixed an issue with licensing and Cinema 4D Lite
- Fixed an issue with the Material Manager being closed when a color value was dragged onto it
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Reduction Generator when created and run with a script
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Reduction Generator not being able to change its Reduction Strength when it was subordinate to the LOD object
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Reduction Generator interfering with each other when used multiple times within a scene
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Reduction Generator when enabling the X-Ray option
- Fixed an issue with the appearance of the Legacy Polygon Reduction Generator within the Customize Commands manager
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Reduction Generator's Reduction Strength setting ignoring hidden polygons when reducing them
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Reduction Generator disappearing during the polygon reduction process
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Reduction Generator not updating the visibility of the Child objects when they were made invisible in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Reduction Generator not rendering with the Physical Renderer in the Viewport when subordinated to the Particle Emitter object
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Reduction Generator when a small scaled polygon object was subordinated to it and its coordinates were changed in the Viewport
- Fixed a performance issue with the Polygon Reduction Generator once a Cloner object was assigned and its Viewport mode was changed
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Reduction Generator not rendering with the Physical Renderer when it was a child of a generator object
- Fixed an issue with the availability of the Boundary Reduction Angle option of the Polygon Reduction Generator
- Fixed an issue with the Connect object not converting Spline objects correctly when they were child of a Cloner object
- Fixed an issue with the Move, Rotate and Scale tools when drawing a selection in the Viewport by pressing the right mouse button
- Fixed an issue with the selection of Spline objects in the Viewport
- Fixed a stability issue with the Stitch and Sew tool
- Fixed an issue with the Bevel deformer that caused an assigned Platonic object set to Bucky to disappear
- Fixed an issue with the options of the Close Polygon Hole tool not being able to be adjusted after use
- Fixed a stability issue with scene files containing the Tube or Cone object
- Fixed an issue with the Spline object not being displayed in the Viewport when Model mode was enabled
- Fixed an issue with the Spline Pen where the drawn Spline objects became invisible in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the obsolete OpenSubdiv Catmull-Clark (Adaptive) type of the Subdivision Surface object
- Fixed an issue with the Normal Move tool where selected surfaces were not moved correctly
- Fixed a typo within the Lathe object's resource file
- Fixed an issue with an existing edge selection being destroyed when using the Optimize function
- Fixed an issue with an incorrect Viewport display of the Vertex Color tag in Polygon Points mode
- Fixed an issue with the Instance object when switching from Multi-Instances to Render Instances using the Bounding Box Viewport mode
- Fixed an issue with the Subdivisions setting of the Cloth Surface hiding selected edges
- Fixed an issue with the UV mapping of the Extrude object's caps surfaces when the Caps Type is set to Regular Grid
- Fixed an issue with the Extrude object when extruding a multi-segmented spline object
- Fixed a stability issue on Windows when opening projects that contain the Voronoi Fracture object
- Fixed an issue with the Connect Objects and Connect Objects + Delete commands when applied only to the top hierarchy level
- Fixed an issue with the scaling of point coordinates within the World Coordinate System
- Fixed an issue with selecting Spline objects in the Viewport that could not be automatically added to the list during a pick session
- Fixed a performance issue with the Voronoi Fracture object
- Fixed a stability issue with the Voronoi Fracture object
- Fixed an issue with the Python modification layer's Open Python Editor command loading an empty Expression editor
- Fixed an issue with the Commandline Renderer that caused different rendering results compared to the rendering in the Picture Viewer
- Fixed an issue with the Boole object not processing the Normal tags of its Child objects
- Fixed an issue with the MoSpline object not processing multiple Spline objects that are hierarchically arranged under a Connect object
- Fixed an issue with excluded particle modifiers still affecting the MoSpline object
- Fixed an issue with the Shader effector not working when the applied texture is projected with Camera Mapping
- Fixed an issue with the MoSpline object not emulating all grouped spline objects of a Connect object as its Source Spline
- Fixed an issue with Multi-Instances being used with the Particle Emitter object
- Fixed an issue with the topology of the Sweep object containing a MoSpline object scaled to zero
- Fixed an issue with the point display of multiple selected Voronoi Fracture objects
- Fixed a refresh issue with the MoGraph Weightmap and the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the UVs of the Face Capture object
- Fixed a stability issue with Moves by Maxon
- Fixed an issue with folded ports still trying to connect in the Node view
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Node Editor when enabling/disabling the Error option within the Node Editor preferences
- Fixed an issue with the Node Editor's mode when removing an activated Node material
- Fixed an issue with the Node material where a minimized Node Editor window would not open when double-clicking on it
- Fixed a stability issue with the Scene Manager when adding an asset from the Asset Browser to an existing stack
- Fixed an issue with interactively applying the Move and Scale tools to a Scene Node object in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the output of the Polygon Index and the Edge Index of the Closest Point node
- Fixed an issue with deleting unused nodes in the Node Editor which resulted in an incorrect node graph and aborted scene evaluation
- Fixed an issue with the behavior of the Linear Transformed node's Scale Step value
- Fixed an issue with the Matrix Op node where changing its size directly in the Attribute Manager input fields affected the size and rotation of the axis directions
- Fixed a performance issue with the output of the Distance node constantly calculating the distance between the positions when the Port Inspector was enabled
- Fixed an issue with not being able to drag and drop an asset from the Asset Browser to the Scene Manager when it was docked to the layout
- Fixed a stability issue with the Console Out node caused by a corrupted connection to the Scene Root node
- Fixed an issue with the Gravity setting of the Rain node that caused the force to work in the wrong direction
- Fixed an issue with the Avoid Self Intersections option of the Extrude Line node being available when used with a Solid shaped transition
- Fixed an issue with the Live Selection tool's selection brush when used on Scene Node objects in the Viewport
- Fixed a stability issue with the Outlines input of the Lines Topology Set node
- Fixed a stability issue with the Loft Line node and its Start Cap and End Cap options when used with a Solid shaped transition
- Fixed a performance issue with the Start Cap and End Cap options of the Sweep Line node
- Fixed an issue with the Viewport's Frame Geometry function not being applied to Scene Nodes
- Fixed a performance issue with the Console Out node when output information is generated to the console
- Fixed an issue with the Color Op and Blend Color Op nodes not coloring when connected to a Children Op node
- Fixed an issue with the texture projection and the Scene Nodes' Display settings
- Fixed an issue with the Material Manager's Delete Unused Materials command deleting materials assigned to a Material Op node
- Fixed an issue with a redundant Output tab of the Trefoil and Trigonometry nodes
- Fixed an issue with the Transform Matrices node producing an error when being dropped onto an existing wire
- Fixed an issue with an incorrect file structure when opening Scene Node files created with a prior version
- Fixed an issue with the Vertex node generating an incorrect output as soon as the Align option is enabled
- Fixed an issue with the Surface Fill node where the Voxel Group Offset setting caused a dense distribution
- Fixed an issue with connections not being made in the Node Editor when using the context menu in the Attribute Manager
- Fixed a stability issue with the Loop Carried Value node when the Operation mode of an implemented Aggregate node was changed from Average to Min
- Fixed an issue with the Cloner node where the cloner objects disappeared from the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Distribution Op node when the Bypass option is enabled in the Scene Manager
- Fixed an issue with invalid connections being made to the Op Output of several Op nodes
- Fixed a stability issue with the Replace Node function in the Attribute Manager's context menu of the Cloner node
- Fixed a performance issue with the Port Inspector when displaying the values of some output ports
- Fixed an issue with the Align option of the Standard Particles Distribution Op node
- Fixed an issue with the Group Nodes command when applied to specific nodes
- Fixed an issue with the Linear Transformed node where the Scale Step setting resulted in inverted scaling steps
- Fixed a stability issue with the Material Op node when it contains a Node material
- Fixed an issue with the Geometry Modifier Group node not being able to be dragged onto an existing connection
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Node Editor's Edit Asset window
- Fixed an issue with the Align option of the Standard Particles node affecting the particle size
- Fixed an issue with the Range node not being available anymore
- Fixed an issue with the Concatenate String node not being able to be dragged onto an existing connection
- Fixed an issue with the Distribution input of the Cloner node
- Fixed an issue with the Surface Fill Distribution Op node where the clones jumped when the assigned surface was growing
- Fixed an issue with folding the top level hierarchy within the Scene Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Cloner node where the Distribution input within the Scene Manager was misspelled
- Fixed an issue with the Scene Manager's Stack Folding not working when the parent stack was folded
- Fixed an issue with the transformation of the Primitive Op nodes when connected to the Geometry Property Interpolate node
- Fixed a stability issue with the Iterate Collection node when selecting the Data Inspector in the Outer Scope output
- Fixed an issue with the Geometry Modifier Group node and the Selection Modifier Group node not using the correct default icon when converted to an asset
- Fixed an issue with selecting multiple entries in the Scene Manager while holding down the Ctrl key
- Fixed an issue with the multiple selection of bookmarked icons in the Scene Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Scene Manager stack when dragging and dropping the elements to change their order
- Fixed an issue with an unresponsive Node Editor and Scene Manager when changing a running animation
- Fixed an issue with the output of the Arithmetic node when copying the node and changing its data type
- Fixed a performance issue with the Primitive Op node that occurred when opening the context menu of the connector icon in the coordinates rubric of the Attribute Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Viewport output of several animated node scenes
- Fixed an issue with the Switch node where an incorrect value was applied when it was copied and the Data Type was changed
- Fixed a stability issue with the Material Parametrization node when dragging it to the Node Editor
- Fixed an issue with the Extrude node when the Use Islands option is enabled
- Fixed an issue with the spline shape of the Helix object
- Fixed an issue with the Install Language function not displaying detailed version information for each available language
- Fixed an issue with the Install Language function restarting with the system language instead of the selected default language
- Fixed an issue with the Install Language function where it was not possible to install a language when the installation process was previously cancelled
- Fixed an issue with the Add Objects to Database command not being able to add selected objects to a newly created database
- Fixed a stability issue with resolving an assetdb url with Url::IoNormalize()
- Fixed a stability issue with certain combinations of displacement and render instances
- Fixed an issue with the Match Case option of the Naming tool
- Fixed an issue with Multi-Passes not being rendered correctly in After Effects
- Fixed an issue with the Cinema 4D version number being set incorrectly in the corresponding .plist file on macOS
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Send to Magic Bullet Looks command where changes were not applied to the rendered image in the Picture Viewer
- Fixed an issue with the MBL Raw Multi-Pass not being used correctly when sending the current Viewport display to Magic Bullet Looks
- Fixed a stability issue with the Project Asset Inspector that occurred when performing undo and redo of the Delete Asset command
- Fixed an issue with the Consolidate Assets command when applied to assets from the Asset Browser
- Fixed a performance issue with the Project Asset Inspector when loading a large number of textures
- Fixed an issue with the Project Asset Inspector where dragging assets to another manager was not possible
- Fixed an issue with the modeling command MCOMMAND_MIRROR not duplicating polygons
- Fixed an issue with a non-descriptive SystemError being returned when a node space with a user-specified ID did not exist
- Fixed an issue with CPyBaseList2D_GetNimbusRef not returning None when a namespace was not found
- Fixed an issue with parentid and sortid parameters when using RegisterPreferencePlugin in python
- Fixed an issue with SymbolCache not being updated after modifying the resource files
- Fixed an issue with GetFilename not returning the full path
- Fixed an issue with the console character limit which is now extended to 120000 characters per print
- Fixed an issue with BAKE_TEX_AO_VERTEXMAPS not being supported by the Bake Texture function
- Fixed an issue with the console not handling pairs of carriage return and new line characters properly
- Fixed an issue with an error returned by InitBakeTexture
- Fixed an issue with the default value of the SearchPluginMenuResource's parameter
- Fixed an issue with CCurve.GetTangents's arguments
- Fixed a stability issue with the default argument for GetAllAssetsNew
- Fixed an issue with Render Presets that caused the first render preset to be activated by default when deleting one of multiple presets
- Fixed an issue with the Magic Bullet Looks' Pop tool where the color was repeated at the image boundary
- Fixed a stability issue with enabling the Magic Bullet Looks option when applied directly in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with Magic Bullet Looks' Pop tool producing different results in the Viewport and Picture Viewer when negative Pop values were applied
- Fixed an issue with Magic Bullet Looks when it was subsequently applied to a rendered animation in the Picture Viewer
- Fixed an issue with the Magic Bullet Looks option in the Render Settings could not be activated for existing scenes
- Fixed an issue with the plugin paths not being set for the Command Line Renderer
- Fixed an issue with the default Seed value of the Scatter Pen
- Fixed an issue with the Scatter Pen when its frequency was changed in the Object Palette
- Fixed an issue with the user interface of the Scatter Pen in the Attribute Manager
- Fixed an issue with the radius option of the Scatter Pen not affecting the scattered object when scaled interactively in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with a moved Scatter object jumping back to its position once the Scatter Pen painted with that object
- Fixed an issue with the Place tool that prevented the Interactive Render Region from being placed and scaled in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the axis of the Scatter object when it was made editable
- Fixed an issue with the Place tool that affected the Camera object's pick session when defining the focus distance
- Fixed an issue with the scaling handle of the Place tool that moved away when scaling elements interactively in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Place tool where XRef objects could not be scaled
- Fixed an issue with the Place tool when interactively scaling elements in the Viewport
- Fixed an undo issue with the Place tool where the bounding box remained in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with a redundant bounding box appearing in the Viewport when the Dynamic Place tool was selected
- Fixed an issue with the Dynamic Place tool not supporting multiple objects when using the Cappuccino tool
- Fixed an issue with the Viewport's Multi-Select Axes option not working with the Dynamic Place tool
- Fixed an issue with the Place tool where the handles in the Viewport disappeared once the Texture UV Editor was opened
- Fixed an issue with the Place tool when duplicating selected elements with the Cmd/Ctrl key
- Fixed a performance issue with the Place tool when using the Move tool within the Texture UV Editor
- Fixed a stability issue with the Dynamic Place tool and the Render to Picture Viewer command
- Fixed an issue with the Place tool when used with a custom startup layout
- Fixed a stability issue with the Sculpting tools and the Texture UV Editor
- Fixed a refresh issue with hierarchical changes made to Takes within the Take Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Single Texture option of the Bake Object command
- Fixed an issue with the track properties when defining the different track animations that caused the last keyframe to get stuck
- Fixed an issue with the Spline to Position Track command inaccurately converting the different spline types to animation paths
- Fixed a performance issue with the Timeline when the Show Tracks command was applied to a large number of tracks
- Fixed an issue with copying and pasting tracks in F-Curve mode
- Fixed an issue with the Web Data window in preferences where the Maxon logo was not updated
- Fixed an issue with the Revert to Saved Project command generating a redundant warning message due to a texture loaded in the Texture UV Editor
- Fixed an issue with UV visualization when using the Show UV Display command
- Fixed an issue with the Texture UV Editor where selected edges were highlighted incorrectly
- Fixed a performance issue with assigning Multi-Color Islands when the UV Mesh option is enabled
- Fixed a performance issue with the Texture UV Editor when selecting UV polygons
- Fixed a performance issue with the Viewport preview of the Spline Pen
- Fixed an issue with the Sel.: Bounding Box option being disabled in the preferences but still displayed in the Viewport for selected Spline objects
- Fixed a performance issue with the range indicator of the Spline Sketch tool when drawing in the Viewport
- Fixed a stability issue with the Viewport Renderer when rendering in the Picture Viewer
- Fixed a stability issue with the Viewport when playing an animation
- Fixed an issue with the Measure & Construction tool not being displayed when rendered with the Viewport Renderer
- Fixed an issue with the Viewport when importing the FBX file format
- Fixed an issue with the Fur object when the object's origin was moved outside the visibility of the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Bounding Box Viewport mode of the Cloner Object when used in Multi-Instance mode
- Fixed an issue with the preview of the Mirror tool in the Viewport when used in the Screen coordinate system
- Fixed an issue with the preview of the Cross-Section tool in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with memory allocation of the ShaderCache
- Fixed an issue with green reflections in the Viewport on the Apple M1
- Fixed a stability issue with the Texture UV Editor when using the UV Map command
- Fixed a stability issue with the Spline Pen and the Spline Arc tool when being used in the Viewport
- Fixed a performance issue with toggling the active view in multiple Viewport display mode
- Fixed a performance issue with the Spline Pen when the mouse pointer was moved over a spline section in the Viewport while holding down the Ctrl/Cmd key
- Fixed an issue with the Spline Pen where the corresponding segment was not highlighted when the mouse cursor hovered over it in the Viewport
- Fixed a performance issue with the Spline Smooth tool that occurred when moving over spline segments with a large radius
- Fixed a stability issue with the Texture UV Editor when loading an existing texture from the Texture view's File menu
- Fixed an issue with the Viewport when using Backface Culling in Box display mode
- Fixed an issue with an undefined Supersampling parameter in the Attribute Manager that occurred especially with existing scenes
- Fixed an issue with the Move tool when used on Spline objects in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Live Selection brush where the selection in the Viewport was delayed when the radius was set to a value less than or equal to 1
- Fixed a stability issue with the Viewport when the Maximum Transparency was set to a high value
- Fixed a performance issue with the Live Selection brush when used with a large radius value
- Fixed an issue with the Viewport display when the Magic Bullet Looks and Stereoscopic options were applied at the same time
- Fixed a performance issue with the Texture UV Editor when changing the Shading settings
- Fixed an issue with the UI icons of the Vector Filters in the Object Manager and the Volume Builder
- Fixed an issue with the redundant X-Ray option of the Volume Loader
- Fixed an issue with the Volume Builder's Auto Update Settings option when using with a Cache Layer
- Fixed an issue with the Volume Builder cache layer where a cached simulation did not match the original one
- Fixed an issue with the Volume Builder where unassigned Field objects influenced the volume
- Fixed and issue with the Volume Mesh command being applied to child objects of the Volume Builder
- Fixed an issue with the Volume Builder when displaying Isoparm lines in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Volume Builder when a volume was built from Spline objects and deformed by forces as a Soft Body
- Fixed an issue with the Basic properties of the Volume Builder where a redundant X-Ray option was available
- Fixed a stability issue with the FloatFunc Operator node that occurred when the Sqrt function used negative values