The Perfect Arrangement
Cinema 4D R23 gives you access to all the powerful UV editing capabilities introduced in Cinema 4D S22. Additionally, we now have New tools geared mostly at UV workflows for hard-surface models.

UV Snapping
UV Snapping is now completely integrated into Cinema 4D's core snapping toolset, with support for point, grid and pixel snapping.
Multi-Object Support
UVs of multiple objects can now be viewed concurrently in the UV Editor. Use UV packing to arrange the islands of all objects into a ONE shared UV Tile, as well as selection and manipulation tools to fine-tune UVs over multiple Objects.
Align, Straighten, Rectangularize
We can now align Islands based on selected Edges, Straighten Edge Selections and rectangularize UV islands.
UV Edit / Layout Enhancements
Enhanced views in the interface and the UV layout window make your workspace more responsive, and combined with the new tools make editing UVs an intuitive and stress-free process.