Red Giant Ready for After Effects 18.0 Users of all Red Giant products can upgrade with confidence to the latest version.
On March 10, 2021, Adobe released a new version of After Effects. We are pleased to announce that the latest version of all Red Giant products are compatible, and it is safe for users to update to the Adobe After Effects 18.0.
Not to be outdone by the development team, our Training and Education Team has also been hard at work creating tutorials that include leveraging the brand new tools in After Effects with both Cinema 4D and Red Giant tools. Check out these great videos:
Trapcode Workflows with Mir, Particular and the New AE Camera Tools
In this video, Red Giant Certified Trainer Nick Harauz takes you through the basics of preparing a Cinema 4D Raygun model and texture for use in Trapcode Mir to create a stylistic wireframe look. You’ll learn how to work with some of the new 3D features in After Effects as well as utilizing Trapcode Particular to shoot particles directly from the tip of the Raygun mode.
Using the Warp Stabilizer and Red Giant Universe
In this video, Nick takes you through using the new revamped Warp Stabilizer tool in After Effects. You’ll use its new Fast Analysis mode to lock a shot and then mask part of an image to easily apply a stylistic Universe effect to that area. And you’ll do all of this without the need to track or add keyframes!