Rocket Lasso Releases New Workflow Plugin for Cinema 4D image

Rocket Lasso Releases New Workflow Plugin for Cinema 4D Extract Edges, Polygons, and Outlines from Geometry with Mesh To Spline

Following the release of Ricochet, Rocket Lasso has launched its newest plugin for Cinema 4D. Mesh To Spline extracts the edges, polygons, and outlines of meshes (even animated objects) as parametric splines. These elements can then be used to create complex stylized looks by outlining models, highlighting hard edges, featuring only the front or backside of meshes, or simply drawing every single polygon. Extracted splines can also be manipulated with Fields, Selection Tags, angle thresholds, and facing angles from any mesh.

Artists can also use Mesh To Spline to create live links from an animated mesh directly into a spline that can stick directly to geometry. This is ideal for animated characters where edge loops can be extracted to be rendered or turned into geometry (i.e. animating eyebrows, cuffs, belts, and more separately). Entire stylized rigs could be created by deforming the underlying mesh then creating splines to follow it.

Rocket Lasso is the brainchild of Chris Schmidt who for two decades has been providing workflow-enhancing plugins, tutorials, and live-streamed knowledge to the Maxon community. Each and every Wednesday, artists can find Chris on Twitch, diving into an endless variety of topics as he tackles questions live from the audience.

Mesh To Spline is compatible with Cinema 4D R20 or higher on Windows and macOS.

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