SDK / Development Community

Maxon offers many options for plugin developers. No matter if you are developing for Mac, PC, Linux or want to update an existing plugin – you’ll find everything you need on our dedicated plugin developer's page (link words to If you want to take it to the top, join our Maxon Registered Developer group and get access to the support of our SDK specialists who help you to get started quickly.
Our C++ SDK offers the most powerful toolset. It is the right choice if you need speed, full access to all parts of the application and want to create complex projects. It supports Xcode for the Mac and Visual Studio for PC. The API documentation leaves nothing to wish for. No matter if you are developing for Mac, PC, Linux or want to port an existing plugin – you’ll find everything you need on our dedicated plugin developer's page (link words to
Python API
Python is C4D’s second programming/scripting language. Python offers much more access than Maxon’s old COFFEE language, but not as much as C++. Python runs instantaneously on any available platform. Python has a lot of Internet resources available that make it the first choice for anything database or web related.
Cineware SDK
Cineware is a C++ library that can create a workflow bridge between your application and Cinema 4D. It allows you to build, load and save C4D files – without the need for a C4D installation. If a C4D installation is present you can also render using Cineware. The rendering will be done in the background as if it was a native part of your application. Cineware is Maxon’s file exchange and render connection library. Develop plugins and pipeline tools which can read and write .c4d files using Cineware. Whether you want to build a commercial exchange plugin, connect your in-house software to Cinema 4D or just get some data out of .c4d files, Cineware is the simplest way to achieve your goals.
If you want to take it to the top, join our Maxon Registered Developer Program and get access to the support of our SDK specialists who help you to get started quickly.