Application and Language Installers
For more information on the latest version of Cinema 4D, please refer to the release notes.
Command Line Installation for Linux
Command Line / Non-GUI Installations:
These instructions apply only to the full installer after it has been downloaded to disk and not to the auto-installer. To run the installer in command line mode:
Open a Command Prompt as Administrator (Right click on Command Prompt and select ‘Run As Administrator’). This is required as the installer needs elevated permissions to run. In the Command Prompt, navigate to the directory containing the Cinema 4D installer executable.
<Full Installer Name>.exe --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui none
If you wish to customize the installation location:
<Full Installer Name>.exe --prefix <path> --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui none
Open or mount the .dmg in a terminal and navigate to the mounted .dmg volume.
sudo <Full Installer Name>. app/Contents/MacOS/installbuilder.sh --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui none
If you wish to customize the installation location:
sudo <Full Installer Name>.app/Contents/MacOS/installbuilder.sh --prefix <path> --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui none
Note: Running as ‘sudo’ is required as the installer needs elevated permissions to run. Using this will require the user to have administrator privileges.
The installer for the Cinema 4D Linux commandline render comes as a self-extracting archive. The commandline render has been built in a way that it is not dependent on a specific GNU/Linux distribution.
The following procedures require the use of a terminal.
Installation instructions:
1) Download the installation file onto the Linux machine.
2) It might be necessary to make the file executable
chmod +x <filename>
3) Getting help
./<filename> --help
4) Install Cinema 4D Commandline render
Cinema 4D commandline render will be installed in /opt/maxon/cinema4dr<version>. The installation requires root or sudo permissions. To install Cinema 4D commandline render just execute the installer:
sudo ./<filename>
The Cinema 4D Linux commandline render is installed under
/opt/maxon/cinema4dr<version>, e.g. /opt/maxon/cinema4dr25.008
The binary is then located in
The same folder also contains a script for the bash shell to set up the environment.
1) setup the environment
cd /opt/maxon/cinema4dr<version>/bin && . ./setup_c4d_env
Mind the dot and the spaces before and after the dot after the &&.
The folder containing the binaries is not in the standard search path so you need to provide the full path to call the commandline render e.g.
/opt/maxon/cinema4dr<version>/bin/Commandline -render <c4d.file>
How to uninstall:
To uninstall the Cinema 4D Linux commandline render simply remove the installation directory:
cd /opt/maxon && rm -rf cinema4dr<version>
Offline Help
1. Unzip the downloaded archive into the 'help' folder of your Cinema 4D installation.
2. Please ensure that no additional subfolders were created during unpacking of the archive - you will be prompted to overwrite the already existing "redirect.html".
Note: You can install multiple offline help languages and switch between them by changing Cinema 4D's interface language - just repeat the process above for any additional language and allow any pre-existing files to be replaced.
Hint: If you want to view the offline help without starting Cinema 4D, find and execute the 'index.html' in the subfolder that corresponds to your chosen language.