What's New
Bang is now part of VFX. We’ve made several improvements from the previous public version, enhancing both the visual quality and user experience.
Gun wireframe overlays have been added for accurate positioning and scale. Heat blur adds a wave of heat distortion after every shot. We’ve even added our popular Optical Glow.
Compositing is now fully done in 32-bit linear color space. The interface has been optimized as well, making it easier than ever to lay down your flashes.

Customizable 3D Muzzle Flashes
Bang is an After Effects plug-in for creating realistic or stylized 3D gunfire effects. You can easily create the perfect muzzle flash with the intuitive shape controls or choose from numerous presets. Create flashes with star-shaped petals, and even add glow and sparks. Adjust color, brightness, falloff, and interactive light to perfectly match your footage.

Easy Alignment
Bang’s 3D particle system renders unique flashes viewable from any angle, taking into account After Effects’ comp cameras. Easily define the position of the barrel, the aim and the direction to or away from camera. Easily adjust the roll and scale of your muzzle flash.

Interactive Relighting
Automatically simulate the light from the bright muzzle flashes illuminating your actors and location, removing the need for separate adjustments.

Keyframe Triggering
In Bang, each muzzle flash is controlled via keyframe in a single effect track.

Muzzle Flash Petals
Some guns have compensators, brakes, or flash hiders. They’re designed to reroute expelled gasses in order to achieve less recoil and muzzle movement. The number of holes in the compensator define the number of muzzle flash petals. With Bang, you can customize the petals to match your weapon.

Flash Age
The muzzle flash of a real firearm is captured in a single frame at a random point in the duration of the explosive discharge. Because of this, real flashes captured on camera will have different shapes and appearances depending on when the shutter was open.
With Bang, the user can control the age and age randomization of the flashes, giving them full control over this look.

Bang comes loaded with fully customizable presets to get you started. Browse presets for many well know firearms including: 45 Magnum, Generic 9mm Pistol, Silenced Pistol, M16A1 “Des/Troy”, M4 5-Petal, Generic Assault Rifle, Minigun, Electro, and more.

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