New Improvements in This Release
This update is highly recommended for all R23 users.
- Fixed an issue with the alignment in the Pose content field of the Pose Library Browser
- Fixed an issue with adding parameter values to a pose using the Add Keyframe Selection command
- Fixed an issue with the alignment of the Limit and Matching options in the Pose Library Browser
- Fixed an issue with unsaved Poses in the Pose Library Browser's tree view
- Fixed an issue with the bubble help used on commands of the Pose Library Browser
- Fixed an issue with obsolete Pose Libraries being stored within the userrepository folder
- Fixed an issue with the Delete Selected command and the appearance of the command buttons within the Pose Library Browser
- Fixed an issue with the Save Pose Libraries command and the selection status in the Pose Library Browser's tree view
- Fixed an issue with the Blend Slider and multiple selected Poses within the Pose Library Browser
- Fixed an issue with the Create New Pose command and the selection status in the Pose Library Browser's tree view
- Fixed an issue with the Remove All command within the Pose Library Browser's Parameter list
- Fixed an issue with linked objects getting lost when added to a Pose within the Pose Library Browser
- Fixed an issue with the Create New Library command and Cinema 4D's interface languages
- Fixed an issue with the orientation of the Landscape object and the Pose Library Browser
- Fixed an issue with the Save Pose Libraries command and special characters assigned to the Name field of Libraries, Groups and Poses
- Fixed an issue with empty Name fields of Libraries, Groups and Poses and the Save Pose Libraries command
- Fixed an issue with non-permitted characters used in the Pose Library Browser's Name field
- Fixed an issue with the Selection filtering mode of the Pose Library Browser
- Fixed a performance issue with the Thumbnail View's Create a New Pose command being applied during a blend session
- Fixed an issue with the Thumbnail View's Pose Group tabs and the Create a New Pose command
- Fixed an issue with assigning very long names to Libraries, Groups and Poses and the Save Pose Libraries command
- Fixed a performance issue with saving Poses when closing the Thumbnail View
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Pose Library Browser's tree view when editing parameters within the Pose Content field
- Fixed a performance issue with editing the name of a Pose using the Name field
- Fixed a stability issue with opening the Pose Library Browser when external databases are used
- Fixed an issue with canceling a blend session within the Pose Library Browser and the Thumbnail View
- Fixed an issue with the Pose Library Brower's tree view when editing the name of an unsaved Pose
- Fixed an issue with the arrangement of Poses in the Thumbnail View
- Fixed an issue with multiple selected parameters and the Remove command within the Pose Content field
- Fixed a performance issue with removing multiple Poses in Pose Library Browser's tree view
- Fixed an issue with renaming unsaved Poses in the Pose Library Browser's tree view
- Fixed an issue with external databases being translated incorrectly within the Pose Library Browser
- Fixed an issue with the Capture Thumbnail Image command and the Pose Group tabs within the Thumbnail View
- Fixed an issue with resizing the Thumbnail View manager
- Fixed an issue with the Show F-Curve command within the HUD element
- Fixed an issue with the Timeline's Set Range to Markers command
- Fixed a stability issue with calling the Record Animated and Record Hierarchy commands
- Fixed an issue with artifacts appearing when using the Transform Bitmap tool
- Fixed an issue with the brightness of 32-bit images within the Texture UV Editor
- Fixed an issue with using the Paint tools in the 3D Painting mode
- Fixed an issue with the Material Manager's default material view and BodyPaint 3D
- Fixed an issue with the brush pressure of BodyPaint 3D's Brush tool when painting on a graphic tablet
- Fixed an issue with switching between graphics tablet pen and mouse in BodyPaint 3D on Windows
- Fixed an issue with pen strokes on graphics tablet on Windows
- Fixed an issue with the brush pressure of BodyPaint 3D's Brush tool when painting with the mouse
- Fixed an issue with the Go to Reference Pose command of the Character Definition tag
- Fixed an issue with the Undo command not updating properly in the Character Definition Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Redo command not updating properly in the Character Definition Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Mixing options of the Pose Morph tag
- Fixed a stability issue with updating the Character components
- Fixed an issue with the Transfer Maps button within the Vertexmap Manager
- Fixed a performance issue with adjusting Character Components in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the tag properties of the Retarget Expression tag
- Fixed an issue with restricting the Bevel deformer to an Edge selection
- Fixed an issue with the Bevel deformer not being displayed properly when using obsolete scene files
- Fixed an issue with hidden geometry when using Mitering on the Bevel deformer
- Fixed a stability issue with loading scenes containing an Octane material
- Fixed a stability issue with the OBJ import
- Fixed an issue with the OBJ import and the default value of the Phong Angle
- Fixed an issue with the Blender preset of the OBJ export
- Fixed an issue with the OBJ import not referencing to the corresponding materials and texture paths
- Fixed an issue with the Sequence option of the OBJ import
- Fixed an issue with the OBJ export resulting in invalid texture paths in the .mtl file
- Fixed an issue with the alignment when importing the USD format
- Fixed an issue with the USD export/import of extruded Spline primitives
- Fixed an issue with exporting/importing N-gons to the USD format
- Fixed an issue with the Update USD Change command and incorrectly assigned display colors
- Fixed an issue with the warning message of the Close USD Bridge command
- Fixed a stability issue with importing the USD format
- Fixed an issue with an error message appearing when exporting to the USD format
- Fixed an issue with the Save Project with Assets command and the USD format
- Fixed a performance issue with importing the JT format
- Fixed an issue with imported SOLIDWORKS file elements being incorrectly positioned
- Fixed a stability issue with importing SOLIDWORKS files on macOS
- Fixed an issue with missing objects when importing SOLIDWORKS files
- Fixed an issue with the SOLIDWORKS import not loading geometry
- Fixed an issue with the Apply Substance Preset command within the Substance Asset Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Apply Substance Preset command and presets being created with the Substance Designer
- Fixed an issue with using the Bake as Alembic commands on an object with assigned Vertex Map as material
- Fixed an issue with the representation of the Anonymized Application Activity within the preferences
- Fixed an issue with the alignment of the Bend Deformer object properties in the Attribute Manager
- Fixed an issue with the alignment of the Viewport HUD settings
- Fixed an issue with the displayed interface colors of the timeline's Show Velocity setting
- Fixed an issue with displaying incorrect tangent tips of Ease In and Ease Out interpolations
- Fixed an issue with using the Brush tool in Paint mode when the Falloff type is set to Constant
- Fixed an issue with the Extrude tool being used in Point mode
- Fixed an issue with the Radius setting of the Brush tool when selecting point normals in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with creating a new Vertex Map every time when using the Brush tool in Paint mode
- Fixed an issue with using the Mitering Patch setting of the Bevel tool
- Fixed an issue with the Subdivision Surface object altering the offset of a polygon object
- Fixed a stability issue with the Melt function
- Fixed a stability issue with the Sweep object
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Pen not being able to create a polygon
- Fixed an issue with the Extrude tool's Offset value when interactively extruding in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Visible Only option of the Line Cut tool
- Fixed an issue with interactively using the Bevel tool in the Viewport when the Shape is set to Profile
- Fixed an issue with the Loop Cut tool affecting the SDS weighting
- Fixed an issue with the Subdivision setting of the Bevel tool
- Fixed an issue with the Sweep object and the MoSpline object
- Fixed a stability issue with the Extrude object
- Fixed an issue with the Mitering settings of the Bevel deformer
- Fixed an issue with the N-gons Corners setting of the Edge Cut tool
- Fixed an issue with the Select Cuts setting of the Line Cut tool when Ctrl/Cmd+clicking on the spline object
- Fixed an issue with the Slice Mode's Remove Part A/B settings of the Line Cut tool
- Fixed an issue with the Line Cut tool adding additional control points
- Fixed an issue with the Restrict to Selection setting of the Line Cut tool
- Fixed an issue with the Line Cut tool when using the Infinite Cut setting
- Fixed a stability issue with Ctrl/Cmd+clicking on a Line Cut tool's control point
- Fixed an issue with the Line Cut tool when Slice Mode's Split setting is enabled
- Fixed a stability issue with the Plane Cut tool
- Fixed an issue with the Loop Cut tool when cutting N-gons
- Fixed an issue with the Loop Cut tool and the distortion of triangulated meshes
- Fixed an issue with the Restrict to Selection setting of the Path Cut tool
- Fixed an issue with the Plane Cut tool's Select Cut option destroying polygon selections
- Fixed an issue with the Remove Part A/B modes of the Plane Cut tool
- Fixed an issue with the Select Cuts option of the Plane Cut tool
- Fixed a stability issue with opening scenes containing the Boole object
- Fixed an issue with the Phong Break Rounding setting of the Bevel deformer
- Fixed an issue with the shading of the Bevel object
- Fixed an issue with missing subdivisions when enabling the Corner N-gons option of the Bevel tool
- Fixed an issue with the Bevel tool when Mitering is set to Radial or Patch
- Fixed an issue with the Phong Break Miters option of the Bevel tool
- Fixed an issue with the Bevel tool when the Bevel mode is set to Solid and Mitering is set to Patch
- Fixed an issue with the Bevel tool removing polygon selections
- Fixed an issue with the Bevel Outside option of the Bevel tool
- Fixed an issue with the Optimize function not eliminating isolated points
- Fixed an issue with the Paint tool when remapping Vertex Maps
- Fixed an issue with broken polygons appearing when loading obsolete scene files
- Fixed an issue with the End Growth option of the Sweep object
- Fixed an issue with the Split tool moving selected polygons
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Pen when Ctrl/Cmd+clicking+drag on a polygon
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Pen when the Create Coplanar Edge on Extrude option is disabled
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Pen not working as expected with Polygon Snap enabled
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Pen when Ctrl/Cmd+clicking on points
- Fixed an issue with the Brush tool's Smooth mode
- Fixed an issue with the Subdivide command being used in the Polygon mode
- Fixed a stability issue with the Collapse function being used on N-gons
- Fixed a stability issue with adding child objects to the Polygon Reduction generator
- Fixed an issue with the Extrude tool's Angle setting being applied to selected edges
- Fixed an issue with the Loop option of the Loft object
- Fixed an issue with using the Move tool on selected edges
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Pen tool not being able to create edges
- Fixed an issue with creating a path selection by Shift+Ctrl/Cmd+clicking on selected points
- Fixed an issue with the Subdivide command being applied to an edge selection
- Fixed an issue with the Clamp options of the Formula Field's subfields
- Fixed a stability issue with the Make Quad Mesh setting of the Face Capture object
- Fixed an issue with the Viewport resolution of the Moves Face shader
- Fixed an issue with the Import Assets command
- Fixed an issue with the Take System when referencing Redshift materials
- Fixed an issue with selected Assets in the Asset list
- Fixed an issue with a missing Use Full Range option within the Distribution Op node
- Fixed an issue with the possibility of renaming categories within the Asset list
- Fixed an issue with a mismatching Node Preview within the Attribute manager
- Fixed an issue with the Banking setting of the Sweep object
- Fixed an issue with the Spline Mask generator breaking the Phong shading of the Extrude object
- Fixed an issue with the UV Map command not being applied to multiple selected objects in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the orientation of the Null object's shapes
- Fixed an issue with the Tessellation on scaled objects in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the MoGraph Weight Paintbrush tool causing artifacts in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the disabled Sel.: Wireframe option being visible at Generator object's children
- Fixed an issue with selecting Joint objects in the Viewport when the mesh is locked
- Fixed an issue with missing reflections in the Viewport's Quick Shading (Lines) mode
- Fixed an issue with the Viewport's Transparency setting and Projection mapping
- Fixed an issue with the Anti-Aliasing settings not being stored within the preferences
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Normals not being displayed on Subdivision Surface objects in the Viewport
- Fixed a refresh issue with multiple shadows in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Mirror tool's cross indicator in the Viewport
- Fixed a performance issue with the Weight tool when switching between the Viewport shading modes
- Fixed a stability issue with the Viewport Renderer when rendering multiple times in the Picture Viewer
- Fixed an issue with the Maximum Transparency not displaying correctly in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Level of Detail settings not displaying correctly on certain objects in the Viewport
- Fixed a refresh issue with Node materials in the Viewport
- Fixed a stability issue with the Viewport Renderer when calling the Render to Picture Viewer command
- Fixed an issue with colors not matching between the Viewport and Magic Bullet Looks
- Fixed a stability issue with the Clear Assets command within the Project Asset Inspector
- Fixed an issue with missing icons for the Scene Nodes within the Project Asset Inspector
- Fixed an issue with missing Breadcrumb information for the Image Node within the Project Asset Inspector
- Fixed an issue with the Project Asset Inspector and assets in subfolders
- Fixed a stability issue with opening the context menu after applying the Clear Assets command within the Project Asset Inspector
- Fixed an issue with Cinema 4D not starting due to UNICODE characters in the installation path
- Fixed an issue with ShowInFinder and `open` argument
- Fixed an issue with the TreeViewFunctions::HeaderClickfunction function not working as expected
- Fixed an issue with the Team Render not loading Cinema 4D plugins by default
- Fixed an issue with the Sculpt module in Python
- Added the possibility to load any python module present in the paths defined in the Environment Variable C4DPYTHONPATH37
- Fixed an issue with dragging python tag over other object
- Fixed an issue that prevents C++ Python Module to be registered
- Fixed an issue with the Send to Magic Bullet Looks command being applied to older scenes
- Fixed a stability issue with Magic Bullet Looks
- Fixed an issue with the Magic Bullet Looks' properties in the Render Settings
- Fixed an issue with ProRender remnants being displayed in the Viewport's HUD
- Fixed an issue with the Node material rendering black in the Picture Viewer and in the Interactive Render Region
- Fixed an issue with legacy materials failed to render in ProRender
- Fixed an issue with an obsolete ProRender tab within the Compositing tag
- Fixed a stability issue in OIDIN with AVX-512 detection on macOS
- Fixed a stability issue with deleting the Fit Range node within the Scene Node editor
- Fixed an issue with renaming a node in the Scene Editor view
- Fixed an issue with a non functioning Render Perfect setting of the Sphere node
- Fixed an issue with hiding ports outside of a Group node instead of removing them
- Fixed an issue with the Print node outputting a few thousand zeros to the console
- Fixed an issue with Propagate ports and Input ports not being added to the outside of the Group node
- Fixed an issue with Show Preview being enabled when creating a Group node
- Fixed an issue with the material assignment of the Material Parametrization node
- Fixed an issue with the Node graph when switching scenes
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Ports Display after collapsing and expanding nodes
- Fixed an issue with the Build node not automatically converting individual Input values
- Fixed an issue with the Distribution Op node when being connected to the Matrix Op node
- Fixed an issue with renaming the input ports of the Loop Carried Value node
- Fixed an issue with the Scale input port of the Plain node
- Fixed a performance issue with scenes containing Scene Nodes and a Project Time being set to a frame prior as the Start frame
- Fixed an issue with importing legacy objects into Scene Nodes
- Fixed an issue with the Effector Group node
- Fixed an issue with array dimensions
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Primitive Op node when resetting the Primitive Type parameters to default
- Fixed an issue with the Distribution Op node not including the Color output port when the Distribution Type is set to Grid
- Fixed an issue with the port order within the Input Group Area of the Scene Node editor
- Fixed an issue with the user interface of the Primitive Op node within the Attribute Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Icosa shape of the Platonic node
- Fixed an issue with the Remove Unused Ports command on the Group node
- Fixed an issue with the Effector Group node containing a Preview tab within the Attribute Manager
- Fixed an issue with inserting the same Array node types
- Fixed an issue with the Insert node when adding Array nodes to an already connected port
- Fixed an issue with placing the geometry Connector Node in the connection
- Fixed an issue with the Angle settings of the Twist node
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Rotate Vector node
- Fixed an issue with incorrectly added parameters to the Disc Geometry node
- Fixed an issue with a misspelled parameter within the Attribute Manager of the Polygon Primitive Op node
- Fixed an issue with Array arithmetic nodes not supporting multi branch single looping
- Fixed an issue with the Axis parameter of the Matrix From Axis node
- Fixed an issue with the Show Preview command within the Scene Node editor's Attribute Manager
- Fixed an issue with renaming ports of the Memory node
- Fixed an issue with various Scene Nodes containing a redundant Preview tab
- Fixed and issue with the naming of the Get Selection node
- Fixed an issue with the Matrix parameters of the Transform Vector node
- Fixed an issue with the Add Input command being called on the Geometry nodes
- Fixed an issue with the Edge Distribution OP node and selections
- Fixed an issue with incorrectly named Output ports of the Edge Info node
- Fixed an issue with the Inset node's Basic tab within the Attribute Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Selection menu within the Attribute Manager of the Active Selection node
- Fixed an issue with programmatically inserting a Converter port on an existing wire
- Fixed an issue with the Geometry Property Set node not accepting connections of the Build node when being used in the UV mode
- Fixed an issue with non-translatable entries of the Concatenate Array node
- Fixed a stability issue with the Polygon Get node when adding the Index number to a negative value
- Fixed an issue with keyframing parameters of the Cube Primitive Op node
- Fixed an issue with applying an invalid connection between the Geometry nodes and the Primitive Op nodes
- Fixed a stability issue with defining the numeric range within the Range node's Attribute Manager
- Fixed an issue with the Remove Port command not being applied to the input of the Group (with Ports) node
- Fixed a stability issue with the Index Array From String node
- Fixed an issue with incorrectly added index to list entries of propagating enum
- Fixed an issue with the Remove Port command could be applied to the Scene output port
- Fixed an issue with removing the Scene output port by selecting the Input Area of the Scene Node editor
- Fixed an issue with the Array nodes accepting connections from their Array In port to Op Output ports
- Fixed an issue with the Landscape Geometry node being classified to the Operators nodes
- Fixed an issue with an incorrectly added Output port when grouping nodes
- Fixed an issue with an incorrect value at position 0 of a linked Insert node array
- Fixed a refresh issue with renaming nodes
- Fixed an issue with inserting the Relax Points node into an existing connection
- Fixed an issue with the Stream Mode option of the Aggregate node
- Fixed an issue with the Median operation of the Aggregate node
- Fixed an issue with the Up Vector setting of the Distribution nodes
- Fixed an issue with the Factor parameter of the Mix Array node
- Fixed an issue with the Mix Array node allowing connections from Geometry nodes
- Fixed an issue with overriding existing connections of a node
- Fixed an issue with keyframing the parameters of the Matrix Op node
- Fixed an issue with the animated Effector Matrix parameters of the Bend Effector Op node
- Fixed a stability issue with adjusting the Segment parameter of the Point on Outline node
- Fixed an issue with the range value of the Mix Array node
- Fixed an issue with overriding an existing connection to the Input port of the Matrix Op node
- Fixed a stability issue with rendering a parameterized Uber material to the Picture Viewer
- Fixed a performance issue with the Resource Editor when configuring the user interface of the Operator Group node
- Fixed an issue with the Operator Group node having redundant attributes within the Resource Editor
- Fixed a stability issue with database mounting
- Fixed a stability issue with editing newly created templates within the Resource Editor
- Fixed an issue with the naming of Scene Nodes within the Object Manager when importing them in FBX and Alembic format
- Fixed an issue with the Compose Container node
- Fixed an issue with a missing Use Full Range option of the Points to Line node
- Fixed a refresh issue with connecting the array inputs of the Mix Array node
- Fixed an issue with the active selection of the Geometry nodes
- Fixed an issue with adjusting the Scale parameters of the Compose Matrix node
- Fixed an issue with the Data Type presentation within the Attribute Manager of appropriate nodes
- Fixed an issue with the Polygon Bevel Node being unable to save files when the Shape is set to User
- Fixed an issue with the Resource Editor not showing the Input types
- Fixed an issue with the Extrude node's Geometry input port allowing selections
- Fixed a performance issue with connecting the Geometry output port of the Geometry Property Set node
- Fixed a stability issue with executing the Unsubdivide command
- Fixed a stability issue with importing scenes when references are missing
- Fixed an issue with the Lock Tangent Length setting when creating keys in the Timeline
- Fixed a stability issue with renaming Joints within the Timeline's Object Area
- Fixed a stability issue with the Show in F-Curve Mode command used on a Motion Clip
- Fixed an issue with the Copy Ease/Paste Ease commands being executed on keyframes in the F-Curve mode
- Fixed an issue with broken tangents being applied to keyframes when using the Paste Ease command
- Fixed an issue with the icon assignment of the Ease In and Ease Out commands
- Fixed an issue with integrating the shortcut 'S' to run the Frame Selected command within the Texture UV editor
- Fixed an issue with the Texture UV editor being locked when running the Empty Canvas command
- Fixed an issue with the UV Snapping when editing UV polygons within the Texture UV editor
- Fixed an issue with the Overlap Identical Islands/Overlap Mirrored Islands options in the Geometric mode of UV Packing
- Fixed an issue with the UV Unwrap tool in conjunction with edge selections
- Fixed an issue with the Equalize Island Size option in the Geometric mode of UV Packing which created differently scaled UV Islands
- Fixed an issue with UV Pins still being visible when the UV Mesh was disabled
- Fixed an issue with the UV Transform tool controls still being visible after objects were deselected
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Viewport when loading UV meshes
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Clear UV Pins command within the Texture UV editor
- Fixed an issue with textures loaded in the Texture UV editor were not assigned correctly within the Viewport
- Fixed an undo issue with the Mirror Selection command
- Fixed an issue with the Fit UV to Canvas command and the Texture UV editor
- Fixed an issue with polygon selections and highlighting were still working while the UV Mesh option was disabled
- Fixed an issue with the Equalize Island Size option of the UV Packing's Geometry mode not adapting the UV size properly
- Fixed an issue with deselecting the Path Selection tool within the Texture UV editor
- Fixed an issue with black areas within the Texture UV editor which lead to an offset of the Rectangle Selection tool
- Fixed an issue with the UV Transform tool controls were still be enabled when switching to another tool
- Fixed an issue with the UV Packing's Geometric mode not being applied to restricted polygon selections
- Fixed an issue with the Fill Polygon command not filling the selected UV polygons properly
- Fixed an issue with snapping the transform controls of the UV Transform tool
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Overlapping Polygons shading option
- Fixed a stability issue with the UV Packing's Geometry mode being applied to a current selection that is not a polygon selection
- Fixed an issue with the UV Rectangularize command not being executed on certain UV polygons
- Fixed an issue with the Start Interactive Mapping/Stop Interactive Mapping commands not changing the mapping parameters
- Fixed an issue with not displaying the UVs based on the Material tag
- Fixed an issue with the description of the UV Rectangularize options
- Fixed a stability issue due to out of bounds access
- Fixed an issue with the UV Packing's Geometric mode not being applied
- Fixed an issue with the Texture UV editor's UV Canvas and Canvas axis when reopening scenes
- Fixed an issue with the UV Transform tool's rectangular interactive frame not being displayed when multiple UV elements are selected
- Fixed an issue with current selected points not being hidden when disabling the Show UV Mesh command
- Fixed an issue with the Frame Selected command whilst within the Texture UV editor
- Fixed a stability issue with handling the UV Seams visualization and the UV Unwrap tool
- Fixed an issue with the Frame Selected UV Islands command
- Fixed an issue with the Live Selection tool not maintaining its size within the Texture UV editor
- Fixed an issue with the UV Rectangularize command not converting a single row or column of polygons
- Fixed a stability issue with applying the UV Packing's Rasterized mode
- Fixed an issue with the UV Packing of multiple objects when using the Geometric mode
- Fixed an issue with the UV Rectangularize command not converting selected UV polygons to a rectangular shape
- Fixed an issue with the Safe Frames being disabled when enabling the Viewport's Geometry Only option
- Fixed an issue with the weighting not being visible in the Viewport's shading modes Hidden Lines and Lines
- Fixed an issue with the Include Children option being enabled although the parent Sel.: Wireframe was disabled
- Fixed a stability issue with Instance objects and the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Move tool not executing on highlighted UV polygons
- Fixed an issue with Magic Bullet Looks and the Viewport when Anti-Aliasing is set to a value larger than 0
- Fixed an issue with Magic Bullet Looks and the Supersampling effect being displayed incorrectly in the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Send to Magic Bullet Looks command and the Viewport's Supersampling effect
- Fixed a refresh issue with the Viewport and the component modes
- Fixed an issue with the XRef Legacy object materials and the Viewport
- Fixed an issue with the Shadow Caster option of the Light object
- Fixed an issue with the Hide Object option of the Interaction tag
- Fixed an issue with the Camera Navigation's Cursor mode
- Fixed an issue with the Viewport's Geometry Only function and the Interactive Render Region
- Fixed an issue with the Keep Objects option of the Volume Mesh command
- Fixed an issue with the Volume Mesh command moving the object's mesh
- Fixed an issue with the Use Animation option of the Volume Loader
- Fixed an issue with the Volume Mesh command when the Keep Objects option is disabled
- Fixed an issue with the XRef Legacy object
- Fixed an issue with defining the brush's opacity of the Paint tool
- Fixed an issue with a String Identifier
- Fixed a stability issue with Licensing
- Fixed a translation issue with the web portal and the License Manager