Stamp Your Footage Onto Any 3D Solid! Hashi’s latest ‘Cheap Tricks’ includes a free script that offers a one-click way to project the texture of your footage onto any 3D solid.
Hey After Effects users, Hashi’s got a new “Cheap Tricks” you won’t want to miss! Having always wished he could see the texture of footage rather than just a color when he creates solids with the After Effects camera tracker, Hashi got in touch with Nate Lovell from NT Productions who created a phenomenal script called 3D Plane Stamp.
The script makes it easy to simply press a button to project and “stamp” your footage onto any 3D solid. Now you can replace those bland guide solids with a texture taken right from the footage you’re working with. Use 3D Plane Stamp for VFX and paintouts, as well as turning still images into 3D cards to build a world inside After Effects or send them right into Cinema 4D.
Get your free 3D Plane Stamp script here. And go watch this great new “Cheap Tricks” episode. Hashi will walk you through how to use the 3D Plane Stamp, explain how to place it in your After Effects ScriptUI Panels folder and show you how to optimize the tool with Normalize Track, another great script that you can get for free.
Okay, now start stamping!