The Value of Cinebench
In March we released a new version of Cinebench, the benchmarking tool based on Cinema 4D. Cinebench Release 20 is a great resource for Maxon customers and the general public because it offers a real measure of the performance of any system, and specifically the performance a user can expect when using Cinema 4D. But the value of Cinebench is even greater than you might think.
Because Cinebench is a widely-used measure of CPU performance, we work closely with both Intel and AMD to ensure that it takes optimal advantage of modern processor technology. Together we find opportunities for optimization, which make their way into future releases of Cinema 4D. While preparing Cinebench R20 we were able to increase the performance of Global Illumination rendering up to 30% on modern CPUs. Cinebench provides a fertile ground for growing our partnerships and pushing Cinema 4D’s rendering technology further.
Cinebench also offers us an opportunity to experiment with new ways of making software available to users - like distributing software via the MacOS and Windows App Stores. While we don’t have any immediate plans to distribute Cinema 4D this way, the App Stores are a key part of modern-day software distribution. Cinebench R20 offered Maxon a unique opportunity to discover more about the process. Now that we’ve gotten some very clear feedback, we’ve made Cinebench available via direct download. It was always our goal to provide a direct link to satisfy those customers who prefer it. It also enables us to provide a version for users of Windows 7+ (the Windows App Store is limited to Windows 10+).
There are a lot of exciting changes happening at Maxon. As we move forward, I want to assure you our intentions are always to service our customer’s needs, and provide products that not only facilitate design, but inspire and motivate. I hope you will join us at NAB either in person or on the stream (www.C4DLive.com). We have a great lineup of presenters, and on the first day I will personally be kicking off the show with the latest Maxon news.