It's Not Easy Being Ugly The unconventional animation film UGLY is looking for funding at Kickstarter
Aspiring Cinema 4D artist Nikita Diakur and his team have been working on this project for about two years, using unusual techniques and a very unconventional style to create a short film about an ugly cat and its unique friend, an Indian chief named Red Bear. There are already a lot of films about ugly things online - but what's unique about this project is that everything in this film, with the exception of the sunsets, is ugly, moves awkwardly and has its own special flair.
The reason for the characters' awkward movements is the method used to animate them - they were not animated using traditional methods: Their movements were controlled by a ragdoll simulation commonly used in game development. This makes the movements unpredictable, which is what gives this film it's unique flair. Even the test sequences that were published online in advance are hilarious, which is a great omen for the final product! We don't want to reveal any more than we have to and suggest visiting the team's website for more clips and background information about Nikita and his team.
All artists working on this project are freelancers who have financed the project with their own money. Whenever they have time between their commercial projects they work on UGLY to bring it ever closer to completion. This is not only tedious but also rips the artists away from the project for longer periods of time. This is why Nikita and his team turned to Kickstarter in an effort to raise enough funding to complete this project as quickly as possible.
We will offer our support to Nikita, his team of artists and Chief Red Bear and we invite supporters to join us to get this unique project completed - we can't wait to see the final result!
More information and inspiration can be found here.