The 36 Best Cinema 4D Tutorials From Greyscalegorilla If you didn't catch all their tutorials last year you can make up for it now!
Motion designers who want to make an impact in 2017 need to get their hands on Greyscalegorilla's Best of 2016 tutorials: A selection of the best projects show how to create unique title sequences using MoGraph and Cinema 4D, how to create inflatable and melting objects using the modeling and sculpting tools and much more!
Greyscalegorilla's videos also cover a wide range of topics above and beyond the project-based tutorials. Whether it's tips about which render engine you should use or the introduction of new features and improvements in Cinema 4D R18, this series of 36 tutorials offers valuable information for all artists.
If you're interested in the history of motion graphics, Greyscalegorilla has also included a special bonus documentation: 'Scanimate: The History of Computer Motion Graphics'. In it, Grayscalegorilla's Nick Campbell speaks with pioneers of analog computer animation and shows the enormous amount of work that went into creating motion graphics in the 70s!
We hope you enjoy the best of Greyscalegorilla 2016!