Cinema 4D Helps Fight Climate Change 360 projection for the supporting programme of the 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris was created under the direction of Canadian artists Jean Ranger and Yan Breuleux with 1,000 Cinema 4D render nodes
The world's top politicians and scientists are gathering from November 30 - December 11, 2015 to discuss climate change and discuss a globally binding climate treaty. During an event in the context of the COP21 conference, held at the Planetarium of the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie in Paris, conference participants had the opportunity to enjoy viewing the 360 projection "Re-Generation", an abstract visualization of the complex interactions responsible for creating life on earth, based on a script by David McConville. This piece ends with a performance by singer Diane Dufresne who recorded an entirely new version of "L'Hymne à la beauté du monde". This 3D insert was made possible by director Sylvain Marotte who flimed the essence of Quebec forests and inserted the clip in the final production. The project, which was initiated by the Society for Arts and Technology (SAT), was realized by a collective of artists under the direction of Yan Breuleux, who teaches at the renowned Montreal animation and design school École des arts numériques (NAD) and Jean Ranger.
The visualization is an impressive visual spectacle, whose stimulus had its origins in suggestions made by French president François Hollande and Phillipe Coulliard, prime minister of Quebec, during a visit at the Canadian Centre for Arts and Technology in 2014. All animations for the 30-minute projection were created entirely in Cinema 4D. The animations had to be rendered with an extremely high resolution in order for them to be projected at the Planetarium. Since the university lacked the required rendering capacity, Mr. Breuleux contacted Maxon's Canadian office for help. Sustainability and environmental protection are very important for Maxon, which is reflected in part by its use of climate-neutral energy providers, so the decision to offer its support for this project was clear. It was quickly decided to make almost 1,000 Cinema 4D render licenses available to properly equip the render farm at the Calcul Quebec render center to ensure that all animations could be rendered in time for the start of the conference. "Re-Generation" can be viewed by the general public in the Planetarium of the Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie from December 2-11, 2015.
An excerpt of the project: