First Japanese Certified Trainer Emerges in Cinema 4D Certification Program Maxon is expanding its Training Services in Japan.
Maxon is proud to announce the first Japanese master trainer has successfully completed its Cinema 4D Certification Program. Maxon’s certification program offers high-quality and effective training for Cinema 4D artists worldwide, including professional-level evaluation of their capabilities. In order to expand its educational resources in the Japanese market, Maxon has been recruiting top artists to certify as Japanese Master Trainers. Today, Maxon is pleased to reveal its first of many Master Trainers in Japan - Makoto Tamura.
Makoto worked for TMS Corporation, which was the distributor of Cinema 4D, from 2016 to 2019, where he provided technical support and training for Cinema 4D and wrote "Cinema 4D for Beginners" and "Revised 2nd Edition". Currently, while working on still image and video production, as well as webGL and XR 3D-related development work, he has launched a personal Cinema 4D tutorial site, C4D HIGH!
Maxon is confident that by expanding its training services in the Japanese market, it will be able to better serve Cinema 4D artists in Japan and provide valuable training to many companies and artists. To commemorate the emergence of its new master trainer, Makoto, Maxon will host a Cinema 4D webinar in April with Makoto as a guest trainer. Dates will be announced soon.
Cinema 4D Master Trainer Certification
Master trainers who meet strict screening criteria not only receive professional user certification, but also have the authority to certify other trainers.
Cinema 4D Trainer Certification
The ability to teach and provide solutions to common production issues is evaluated, in addition to the ability to solve production challenges. To pass trainer certification, candidates must demonstrate their ability to teach certification topics and provide solutions to common production issues.
Cinema 4D Professional User Certification
Professional user certification is designed to evaluate the ability of 3D generalists to work at a professional level. It is proof that the artist has the skills to contribute to the production pipeline.