Maxon offers exams to validate your know-how, verify your skills or certify you as a Cinema 4D instructor.
1. Overview of Cinema 4D
- Preferences
- Project Settings
- Object Manager
- Viewport
- Attributes Manager
- Basic Tab and Object Manager Relationship
- Presets
- Basic Tab and Object Manager Relationship
- Material Manager
- Coordinates Manager
- Timeline
- Layer Manager
- Asset Browser
- You should know which Managers you can open using buttons close to the corners of the Viewport (Hot Corners)
- The main C4D interface has three main Tools/Commands/Modes/Objects Palettes, horizontal on the top and Vertical in the left and right side of the viewport
- You should know what each command/tool/mode does and that the Tools palette on the left is context-sensitive
2. Viewport – 3D View and Orthographic Views – Viewport Menus
- View
- Cameras
- Display Modes
- Options
- Filter
- Configure... Viewports in Attributes Manager
- Background Reference images
3. Viewport Navigation
- Viewport
- Navigation Shortcuts
- Viewport Framing Shortcuts
4. Layouts – Interface Customization – Custom Layouts
- Using Preset Layouts
- Creating Custom Layouts
- Save / Load Custom Layouts
- Customize Commands
- Customize Existing Palettes
- Creating and Saving Custom Palettes
- Customize Existing Palettes
- Customize shortcuts
- Commander - SHIFT+C
5. Object Manager
- Hierarchies
- Object Naming in Object manager
- How to organize your scene using meaningful names for Objects
- Manual Naming
- Naming Tool
- How to organize your scene using meaningful names for Objects
- Null Object / Groups
- Object Manager Helpers - Filters
- Search tool
- Path Bar
- Hierarchical Level
- Filters
- Search tool
6. Object Coordinates
- Local (Object) - Global (World) Coordinate Systems
- Coordinates Manager
- Coordinate Manager Dropdown menus
- Attribute Manager Coordinates
- Differences and Similarities between Coordinate Manager and Coord. tab in Attribute Manager
- Attribute Manager, Always Local Coordinates
- Rotation order - HPB Rotation, Rotation Order and Gimbal Lock
- Attribute Manager - Coordinates - Live
- Attribute Manager, Always Local Coordinates
- What happens when a parent has non-normalized Scaling (not 1,1,1 in the Scaling in the Attribute Manager)?
- Differences and Similarities between Coordinate Manager and Coord. tab in Attribute Manager
7. Transform and Placement Tools
- Move
- Rotate
- Scale
- Difference between Model Mode & Object Mode with Scaling
- Difference between Model Mode & Object Mode with Scaling
- Axis’ Locks
- Axis Extension
- Axis Gizmo
- Quantizing
- Placement Tools
8. Asset Browser
- Using
- General understanding of assets and databases
- VIDEO: Introduction to Assets and Databases
- How to create/mount a custom database
- How to connect Watch Folders
- Project Watch Folders
- Where else in Cinema 4D are databases being used?
- Creating Assets for Asset Browser
- Presets
- Sharing Assets
- Importing legacy libraries (.lib4d files)
9. Modeling
- Primitives
- Deformers
- Modeling & Object Generators
- Splines
- Primitive
- Editable
- Importing Splines from other software
- Editing - Manipulation
- Knowledge of all Spline Editing Tools
- Knowledge of all Spline Editing Tools
- Spline Attributes
- Type
- Open - Closed
- Intermediate Points
- Type
- Spline Mask
- Spline under Connect Object
- Primitive
- Polygon Modeling
- Components
- Points
- Edges
- Polygons
- Component Attributes
- Weights (Vertex)
- Selections (Polygon - Edge - Point)
- Normals
- Points
- Phong Tag
- What does it do?
- What are Edge Breaks?
- What does it do?
- Basic Understanding of “Topology”
- Triangles
- Quads
- N-Gons
- Complex Poles
- Topological Flow
- Why we need Retopology (examples)
- Triangles
- Mesh Tools for Modeling (Mesh Menu)
- Good Understanding of all Mesh Editing Tools
- Component Selections & Selection Patterns (Loops, Rings, Fills, etc.)
- Component Modeling Axis
- Snapping (General Snapping Knowledge)
- Symmetry
- Symmetry Hub
- Symmetry Modes (Planar, Topological, Radial)
- Spaces (Local, Global, Workplane, Custom)
- Solo
- Mesh Troubleshooting with Mesh Checking
- Coplanar
- Non-Manifold (and how to resolve)
- Complex Poles
- Triangles, Quads & N-Gons
- z-fighting
- Coplanar
- Axis Center...
- Subdivision Surface Modeling
- What is Texture - Sculpt Baking?
- Sculpting (Overview)
- Sculpting for adding Texture Detail using Baking
- Sculpt Menu
- Baking Sculpt Objects
- Sculpting for adding Texture Detail using Baking
- Components
- Volume Modeling
- What are Volumes?
- Volume Modeling
- General Understanding of Volumes (VDBs) in the industry
- What are Volumes and Voxel Grids
- What data can they contain
- What we use them for
- What data can they contain
- Reference Videos
- What are Volumes?
- Surface Attributes
- Use Cases of Vertex Maps & Vertex Colors
- Deformers
- Fields
- Materials
- Simulations
- Vertex Maps / Vertex Colors on Generators
- Selections
- Use Cases of Vertex Maps & Vertex Colors
- Node Capsules (and how they can be used in the Object Manager)
- Nodes Modifier
- Creating easy node setups
- Geometry Modifier nodes/capsules
- Geometry Selection nodes/capsules
- Creating the UI
- Expose node parameters to Geometry Modifier Group
- Resource Editor Basics
- Save as Asset / Capsule
10. UVs
- What are UVs?
- UV Tile
- Automatic Unwrapping
- Overview of the manual UV Unwrapping Process
- View menu
11. Materials – Textures
- Understanding Material fundamentals
- What does a Material applied to an Object consist of
- Material
- Channels
- Type
- Material
- Material Tag
- Understanding Projections
- Projection Types (Geometric UVs - Spherical, Cylindrical e.t.c.)
- Camera - Frontal Projections
- Material Coordinates [Material Tag Attributes]
- UV Tile Coordinates
- Using PRS to place Materials [Texture mode]
- What does a Material applied to an Object consist of
- Redshift Materials
- Creation - Editing
- Applying Materials
- Layering - Stacking Materials / Projections
- RS Standard - Material Properties
- Base
- Reflection
- Transmission
- Subsurface
- Sheen
- Thin Film
- Coat
- Emission
- Geometry
- Advanced
- Driving Specific Properties using Material Nodes
- Redshift Material Nodes
- RS Standard
- Output
- Material Blender
- Material Layer
- AO
- Curvature
- Fresnel
- Ramp (+ use as colorizer)
- Texture
- Jitter
- Color Splitter
- Color Maker
- Bump Map (and how to connect it)
- Displacement (and how to Connect and Activate it in the Redshift Object Tag)
- Displacement Blender
- Round Corners
- User Data nodes (Integer, Scalar, Vector, Color)
- Maxon Noise
- Color Correct
- Color Layer
- TriPlanar
- Vertex Attribute
- Volume
- Incandescent
- AOV Nodes
- Store Color
- Store Integer
- Store Scalar
- Standard/Physical Materials
- Material Channels
- PBR Materials
- Nested Dielectrics – How to create Proper “Liquid in Glass” renders
- Textures (loaded bitmaps used to define the properties or data of a material channel)
- Shaders
- Overall understanding of Shader flow
- Standard material (Layered approach)
- Nodal materials
- Overall Nodal Material Construction
- Renderer Specific Differences
- Overall Nodal Material Construction
- HDR images & Panoramas
- What is an HDR?
- Color Bit Depth
- 8, 16 & 32 bit images
- HDR Formats
- What is an HDR?
- What is a Panorama (360, 180 e.t.c.)
- How do HDRs and Panoramas Correlate
- Standard material (Layered approach)
- Pin Material Tag
12. 3D Painting – General Understanding - BodyPaint Quick Setup Reference
- What is 3D Painting?
- When to use 3D Painting
- Paint Setup Wizard
- Combining UVs - sculpting - baking and 3D Painting
13. Lighting – Environments
- Understanding CG Lights and Lighting
- Redshift Lights
- Point Light
- Infinite Light
- Area Light
- Spot Light
- Dome Light
- Image Based Lighting
- Background
- Backplate
- Physical Sun
- For all light types:
- Details tab -> Contribution
- Project tab -> Include/Exclude
- Standard/Physical Lights
- Light Components
- Diffuse
- Specular
- Shadows
- Falloff
- Inclusions / exclusions
- Visibility - Volumetric
- Diffuse
- Light Types
- Omni
- Spot
- Area
- Infinite
- Dome Light Setups
- Omni
- Lighting Setups
- 3 Point Lighting
- Indirect illumination techniques
- 3 Point Lighting
- Reflectance
- GI (Global Illumination)
- Fake GI (Light Domes)
- Light Components
14. Cameras
- Understanding CG Cameras
- Camera types
- RS Camera
- Camera Attributes
- Camera Rigs that imitate Dollies, Cranes, etc.
- Camera Effects
- Depth of Field / Bokeh
- Motion Blur
- Lens Effects
- Stage Object (Multi Camera)
15. Takes
- Overview
- Using Takes to create variations of the scene
- Using Takes as render layers
16. Layers
- Overview
- Add / Subtract objects, hierarchies, materials, etc.
- Layer Channels
- Solo, Visible in Editor, Visible in Render, Visible in Object Manager, Locked, Animation, Generators, Deformers, Expressions, Xrefs
17. Project Asset Inspector
18. Animation
- Keyframes
- Timelines - Keyframe interpolation
- Keys (Dopesheet)
- F-Curves
- Animation Tracks
- Attributes
- Looping
- Repeating
- Attributes
- Keys (Dopesheet)
- Camera Animation Techniques
- Object Animation
- Parameter Animation
- Procedural Animation (Concept of Animating without Keyframes)
- Vibrate
- Track Modifier tag
- Vibrate
19. MoGraph
- MoGraph Generators
- What are MoGraph Generators
- What each MoGraph Generator does
- Cloner
- Matrix
- Fracture
- Voronoi Fracture
- MoInstance
- Text (under primitives)
- Tracer
- MoSpline
- Cloner
- What are MoGraph Generators
- MoGraph Modifiers
- MoExtrude
- PolyFX
- MoExtrude
- MoGraph Clones (also called MoGraph Nodes or MoGraph Particles)
- What parameters does a generated MoGraph Clone inherit from the Cloner?
- ID
- Color (RGB-A)
- W(UV) coordinates
- Weight
- Matrix (Position - Scale - Rotation)
- Time Offset (only Keyframes)
- Visibility
- Blending amount (between blending clones)
- Blend geometry
- Blend Parameters
- Blend geometry
- Which instance is the Clone (ID)?
- ID
- Clone iteration
- Clone Blending
- Clone Keyframe Animation Modes
- Play
- Loop
- Fixed
- Fixed Loop
- Play
- Effectors
- Fields
- MoGraph Tags
- MoGraph Shaders
- Instance Modes Differences: Advantages and Limitations
- What parameters does a generated MoGraph Clone inherit from the Cloner?
- Effectors
- Tracer Object
- MoSpline
- PolyFX
20. Fields
- What are Fields?
- Concept of 3D Masks
- Normalized vs Arbitrary Values
- Clamps and Remapping
- Blending Modes
- Field Groups
- Where can we use Fields?
- Effectors Falloff
- Deformers Falloff
- Volumes
- MoGraph Selections
- MoGraph Weights
- Component Selections
- Vertex Maps
- Normal Maps
- Simulation: Forces Falloff
- Field Force
- Effectors Falloff
- Reference videos:
21. Placing CG Objects in Live Footage (Overview)
- Light Estimation
- Camera Matching - Calibrator
- Camera Tracking (General Overview)
22. Rigging Tools (not Character Rigging)
- Smart Hierarchy construction
- Nulls
- Splines or Nulls (as Controllers)
- Tags
- IK Tag
- Target Tag
- Align to spline
- Constraints
- Nulls
- Basic IK Hierarchy
- Inverse Kinematics VS Forward Kinematics (IK vs FK)
- Using IK Tag on Object Hierarchies or Joint Hierarchies
- Setup
- Goals
- Pole Vector
- Binding
- Inverse Kinematics VS Forward Kinematics (IK vs FK)
- Joints – What they are and How can we use them
- Pose Morph tag
- Priority parameter
- User Data – how to add and manage
23. XPresso Overview
- Set Driver - Set Driven
- What is XPresso?
- XPresso interface
- How to add objects to XPresso
- How to create inputs and outputs by dragging Attributes
- How to add objects to XPresso
- Creating simple XPresso setups
24. Simulations
- Simulation System
- Simulation Settings
- How do certain settings affect the simulation
- Understanding of all constraints (Bendiness, Stretchiness, Poles)
- Simulation Scenes
- Simulation tags and parameters
- Rigid Body
- Cloth
- Rope
- Soft Body
- Balloon
- Belts & Connectors
- Pyro
- Collider
- Mix Animation
- Plastic Deformation
- Tearing
- Caching
- Priorities
- Vertex Maps for parameter weighting
- How do mesh topology and substeps affect simulation?
- Mesh Deformer in simulations
- Advantages / Disadvantages compared to Bullet Dynamics
- Simulation Settings
- Bullet Dynamics
- Rigid Bodies Overview
- Soft Body Overview
- Knowledge of the Dynamics settings (part of the Project settings)
- Rigid Bodies Overview
- Particle Systems
- Standard Overview
- Thinking Particles Overview
- Third Party (know of them)
- Standard Overview
- Hair Overview
- Cloth Overview
- Caching Geometry
25. Using Hair Materials Overview
26. Scene Optimization
- Project Clean-Up and Organization
- Performance Optimization
- Render Optimization
27. Rendering
- Redshift
- Activating Redshift - Render Settings
- “Basic” Mode
- “Advanced” Mode
- Speed vs Quality
- Sampling
- Denoising
- Motion Blur
- Trace Depths
- Global Illumination (Overview)
- Caustics (Overview)
- AOV Manager
- System
- Bucket size
- Memory
- Speed vs Quality
- Preferences
- Overview of Renderer->Redshift in Cinema 4D Preferences
- Interactive Preview Rendering
- Redshift RenderView
- Viewport IPR
- AOVs
- Freeze Tessellation
- Freeze Geometry Updates
- Post Effects
- Redshift Object Tag
- Particles (and Matrix Scatter)
- Visibility
- Geometry (Displacement - Render Time SDS)
- Object ID
- Motion Blur
- Exclusion
- RS Environment
- How to control Global Volume Scattering
- How to control Per-light Volume Contribution
- Activating Redshift - Render Settings
- Standard/Physical
- Render Settings
- Render Region (IRR)
- Viewport Render for Preview and Animatics
- Final rendering / Offline rendering
- Output to File - File Formats
- Multipasses - AOVs
- Render Tags
- Picture Viewer
- Rendering things that are not Meshes
- Particles
- Volumetric / Atmospheric Effects
- Sketch and Toon
- Hair Rendering (Hair & Splines)
- Faking Rendering Effects in post
- Rendering Multi-Passes and Arbitrary Output Variables (AOVs)
- Passes Overview
- Object / Material Buffers
- z-Depth
- Motion Vectors
28. Integration with Compositing Pipelines
- Compositing Project File Export
- Exporting Sequences
- Exporting 3D Data